Cedar in the Air

“Cedar" exudes comfort and allure of timeless masculinity.

Cedar, one of our iconic Eau de Toilette, created in 1936 by the Bermuda Perfumery and treasured in our collection as a devoted protector of our heritage. Cedar is composed of fresh and aromatic Top Notes like Bergamot and Juniper Berry. The bright Bermuda Cedar, Wild Sage and Vetiver compose a mature and ever lasting elegant fragrance. 

Juniperus Bermudiana is a species of juniper endemic to Bermuda. This species is most commonly known as Bermuda cedar, but is also referred to as Bermuda juniper. Bermuda Cedar has been part of Bermuda Heritage since its introduction in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth century, and is intimately linked to the importance of shipbuilding and the carrying trade to Bermuda.

Bermuda developed as an agricultural colony until the 1680s and then experienced a declension of social institutions and economic organization during the shift to a maritime economy. Cedar wood in the shipbuilding industry, possessed characteristics that made it unique as a building material for ocean-going vessels like the Bermuda Sloop. Bermudian vessels were renown for their potential life– span and their sailing performance. Bermudians also adopted a reforestation policy, with groves cultivated as long-term crops, and passed down to future generations as dowries or inheritances.

At the St George's Perfumery, like in 1936, Isabelle extracts the rich colored cedar oil from cedar wood chips. The smell of cedar is so amazingly unique. Each Bermudian has an intimate connection with this beautiful strong tree and each carries a special pride that has been passed along for three centuries. We grow and protect our Cedar trees for the next generations. 

“Cedar" is all about Bermuda Tradition and Heritage.




Cedar Fragrance

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