
How to wear a perfume

Perfume and Eau de toilette will stay longer on your skin if you layer the scent. By layering we mean by using different products with your perfume so that it stays with you for a long time, about six hours. Besides, if you don’t like to wear perfume, you can try with perfumed body lotion,shower gel or perfumed soaps. For example:

  • Start by using a perfumed shower gel or perfumed soap for your shower. If you prefer taking a bath, you can put a drop of your fragrance in your water.
  • Apply a perfumed body lotion on your body before getting dressed. If you do not like wearing body lotion all over your body, put it only on your pulse points where you will apply your perfume.
  • Then, apply your perfume or eau de toilette on your pulse points: the inner wrists, behind the ears, and lower neck. Avoid rubbing the perfume into your skin. Even though this is a common practice, doing so crushes the chemicals and alters the balance of the scent. Instead, spray a small amount of scent onto your skin and let it dry naturally.

Another tip to making your perfume last a long time is to spray your fragrance onto your hairbrush and running the fragranced brush through your hair. This is because the hair is more porous than the skin and absorbs the perfume quickly and effectively.

Finally, another way of making your mark with your perfume is to lightly spray it on your mattress as you make the bed - the fragrance will subtly remain on the sheets.